However, you would also need the Company Name currently attached to that serial number. So if you have a valid serial number with your ebay purchase, then you should be able to download v3.83 as an upgrade, free of charge. I looked today and notice that you can now download all versions from v3.80 through v3.83 from the RA Download Center using you serial number. Incidentally, they also provide a copy of the older 16-bit version of PanelBuilder at v2.60 on the CD. We had to provide them our serial number to do so. I think the latest you could download at the time was v3.82? So we went through our Vendor and they sent us out a hard copy on CD (v3.83.01) as an upgrade. I then looked to upgrade to v3.83 and noticed it wasn't available as a downloadable upgrade from RA using our serial number. Up to early 2011, we had been using v3.81, which we have on CD.